If you don’t want to suffer the consequences then you must find and eliminate the cause !!!
Where pain is concerned today’s logical solution is to take a pain killer or go to the Doctor, usually the Doctor will prescribe a stronger pain killer that isn’t available over the counter along with other medication to treat the symptoms. But quite often not finding the cause but just making a general broad spectrum diagnosis thus allowing time for the body’s natural healing system to kick in.
Only when the symptoms persist and after trying different medications prescribed by your Doctor will the Doctor refer you to a specialist, unless in the situation of an Emergency.
I’ll give just one small example, I know a guy who was getting pains in his left shoulder and his arm would as the saying goes “go to sleep” pins and needles wasn’t un- common either in his left arm.
At the age or 42 he was diagnosed by the Doctor as having arthritis, pain killers and an anti-inflammatory drug were prescribed along with a gel to numb the area hopefully giving temporary relief .
The symptoms continued to persist to the point where he was eventually sent to a specialist, x-rays to the shoulder showed nothing unusual, he was offered a cortisone injection, basically a powerful anti-inflammatory medication to reduce the inflammation over a period of days and the following weeks.
Never having been ill before the thought of an injection wasn’t something he looked forward to, but taking the advice of the specialist he saw it through.
The original diagnosis had been the inflammation of the nerve, tendons and muscle each aggravating the other.
The nerve being inflamed being the cause for the frequent pins and needles effect and the arm loosing feeling like it had gone to sleep.
Unfortunately the symptoms persisted with a vengeance.
Now loosing sleep even more drugs were prescribed to help with the insomnia brought on by the restlessness of the tossing and turning with the pain, also yet more drugs to help with the now severely un-balanced stomach caused by the other medication.
Just where was this going to end. Seemingly the previous last two and a half months had achieved little or nothing.
The point being the Doctor and the specialist had NOT been successful in finding the cause.
Of course the regular procedure in this situation had been followed to the letter by both the Doctor and the Specialist.
But the CAUSE hadn’t been found only the CONSEQUENCES of the cause !!!
To cut a long story short further investigation in a hospital specializing in spinal injuries found the cause, two herniated discs just below the bottom of the neck had caused the vertebrate to almost fuse together over time, yet until physically manipulated had shown no sign of discomfort.
The only answer was to operate.
This example has not been designed to expose the fault of the Original Doctor or even the Specialist, this isn’t a case of misdiagnosis, both of them were eliminating what they thought to be the most probable common cause.
Just to give you another simple example if you go to the Hospital with chest pains and you are out of breath, they will immediately suspect Heart Trauma, they would normally perform an ECG (electro cardiogram) a blood test to check for elevated heart enzymes and possibly a chest ex-ray, whilst all the time monitoring blood pressure, oxygen levels in your blood amongst other things. Along with a series of questions.
If all tests come back with the thumbs up the possibilities are you could have something simple like indigestion, however the Emergency staff have performed their duties correctly by eliminating the more serious possibilities .Obviously they would perform other tests to eliminate other serious causes but this is just for example purposes.
Basically all Medics have only the consequences to work with in order to find the cause. In other words the symptoms.
Quite often, in the example of broken bones the diagnosis of the cause is simply determined by an ex-ray.
Pain killing medication would normally be administered as well as setting the bone in place and holding it there until nature takes its course and the breakage or fracture heals naturally. Also in the case of severe bruising possibly an anti coagulant injection daily to prevent blood clotting, it depends on the circumstances.
Consequences with a more serious Cause
If you’ve read my earlier articles on Heartcare4life and Heart Attack Cancer Stroke then you’ll probably know where I’m going with this article.
I can’t stress enough how necessary it is to avoid the Consequences by trying to prevent the cause.
All of the examples so far in this article have been fixable causes diagnosed by the consequences or symptoms.
There are certain conditions that despite today’s modern technology and medication that CAN’T be FIXED, you’ve heard me say this before if you’ve read my other articles either on my blogs or at GoArticles, Heart Attack, Cancer and Stroke are the 3 Biggest Killers in the US and Europe.
Look around you, at the age of between 40 and 50 how many more funerals have you been to over Weddings? How many more times have you heard BAD news than you’ve heard Good?
How do you feel now in comparison to 15-20 years ago?
How limited are your abilities in comparison to 15-20 years ago?
Ageing, that all it is, we all age, it’s obvious, I’m not as young as I used to be!!!
I know one guy, he lives near me, he’s retired, mountain walks most days, does 50 kilometers on a racing bike twice a week. He’s 74 coming up to 75 in May.
But for every 1 guy like him how many are there in their 50’s can’t even walk up a flight of stairs without needing a shot of oxygen when they get to the top?
Which one of these people describes you the best???
The answer is simple, in most cases LIFESTYLE !!!
Do you eat and drink a properly balanced diet?
Do you Smoke?
Are you overweight?
Do you exercise?
Do you monitor or have your health monitored regularly?
Stop lying to yourself because if you don’t?
CONSEQUENCES to which there may be NO CURE !!!
I could give you all the reasons how modern research has proven why we age, all the technical data, the proof, the statistics, how the body slowly looses the ability to reproduce the natural amino acids produced in youth but I see no point in writing another 10 pages which you probably wouldn’t read any way, the facts are we do age but there’s NO GOOD reason why we can’t remain healthy for a long time to come if we change our lifestyle.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.
Why spend all that money on keeping your youthful looks with hair dye’s and colours, anti ageing creams and balms etc?
Why spend all that money on keeping your youthful looks with hair dye’s and colours, anti ageing creams and balms etc?
The simple answer is IT MAKES US FEEL GOOD WHEN WE LOOK GOOD, but If you’re showing signs of external ageing then obviously you’re showing signs of Internal ageing.
So don’t just do something about your external appearance, do something about your internal appearance as well.
It’s no consolation looking young and youthful in a COFFIN !!!
If you want a little more of an explanation as to why we age and the Answers please take a look at page 2 “Heart Attack Cancer Stroke” the 3 Biggest Killers on Heartcare4life or click the link.
And finally if you can’t be bothered to do something about changing your lifestyle that’s your choice, but at least give thought to donating your organs if there’s anything left of them when you’re finished to someone who WILL appreciate them more than you have done !!!
Sorry to come across a bit tough but if you don’t want to face the consequences then do something about preventing the Cause before it’s too late.
If you do want to do something about changing your life style but need a little help or encouragement post a comment on my blog http://heartcare4life.blogspot.com/ or http://heartattackcancerstroke.blogspot.com/ or even drop me an e-mail. I’m not an expert but I WILL give it my best shot.